It may seem as if it’s been a million years since I’ve gotten on here to write an update. Maybe it has been that long, but my in-depth research and analysis says more like five months, I think. And SO MUCH has happened. Where to start? Well, in April I received one of the greatest […]
Just in case you were wondering… What’s it like to publish a book and see how it does in the eyes of the purchasing public and those who take the time to read it? Answer: It’s a bit befuddling, it’s very complicated, and it’s a lesson in highs and lows. I’ll explain. When your book […]
We’ll get the bad news out of the way in a hurry. Yes, it’s been forever since I’ve been here in Blog World. There’s been a lot going on and the Earth just keeps rotating, making the days come and go at blinding speed. Winter is here now, in Minnesota, and it will be our […]
Eons. Ages. Centuries… It’s been forever since I posted a new blog here. There was this book thing, and that kept me more than a little busy as I took an old scrap of a draft (or a “manuscript” as we called it) and turned it into something that could be submitted to a new […]