The following story was submitted by Connor Starrs, a 2015 fellow of The Perfect Game Foundation.
My experience with the sports industry was incredibly limited, regardless of the fact that I was working within the PGA TOUR. When I was introduced to Del Wilber, he completely opened my eyes to the vast options that were available to me and my various strengths. I was so fortunate to have Del help me contact the right people in order to better understand what would be expected of me before I made a more permanent step into the sports world.
Hard work and networking are so important to maintain your skills and pipeline. Make sure you find some way to stand out, whether it is a diverse and full resume or an unforgettable personality. It is so important to know what your opportunities are and to take full advantage of them, so starting early is also very key to making your way to your dream position.
"There is no substitute for Excellence – not even success. Success is tricky, perishable and often outside our control; the pursuit of success makes a poor cornerstone, especially for a whole personality. Excellence is dependable, lasting and largely an issue within our own control; pursuit of excellence, in and for itself, is the best of foundations,” The Heart of the Order, by Thomas Boswell (Doubleday, 1989).