The following story was submitted by Connor Starrs, a 2015 fellow of The Perfect Game Foundation.
Before working with The Perfect Game Foundation, I had limited knowledge of and few contacts in the sports industry. The Perfect Game Foundation put me in touch with multiple people in different parts of the industry with varying backgrounds. This built my network of sports contacts and educated me about the endless job and internship possibilities in the sports world. This exposure helped me focus my sports career path in a way that I am forever indebted.
Talk to as many people who work in sports as possible and apply to every job that interests you. Take whatever is offered to you and work as hard as you can.
"There is no substitute for Excellence – not even success. Success is tricky, perishable and often outside our control; the pursuit of success makes a poor cornerstone, especially for a whole personality. Excellence is dependable, lasting and largely an issue within our own control; pursuit of excellence, in and for itself, is the best of foundations,” The Heart of the Order, by Thomas Boswell (Doubleday, 1989).