The following story was submitted by Connor Starrs, a 2015 fellow of The Perfect Game Foundation.
The Perfect Game Foundation has helped me tremendously by creating new opportunities for my future career. Through the process of obtaining an internship I have gained connections and experience in the world of sports business and the job hunt process. The foundation has provided me with quick feedback, and assisted me in finding a great summer internship through online searches, face to face meetings, and passing along my search to sports businesses. The Perfect Game Foundation broadened my ability to find and obtain an internship that I want.
Do not be lazy! Put in the effort to find something you are passionate about and pursue it! An internship will not find you, you must find it. The best way to get what you want is to go after it.
"There is no substitute for Excellence – not even success. Success is tricky, perishable and often outside our control; the pursuit of success makes a poor cornerstone, especially for a whole personality. Excellence is dependable, lasting and largely an issue within our own control; pursuit of excellence, in and for itself, is the best of foundations,” The Heart of the Order, by Thomas Boswell (Doubleday, 1989).