The following story was submitted by Connor Starrs, a 2015 fellow of The Perfect Game Foundation.
After graduating from college, I took some time figuring out which path I wanted to take with my career. It was then that I met with Del Wilber and The Perfect Game Foundation, to explore different routes within sports. Del was extremely helpful in explaining the landscape of the sports industry and providing things that I could do to grow in this space.
From here, TPGF helped me foster connections, which assisted with my internship and eventually full-time role with the WTA, to now working for the Tampa Bay Rays in the Baseball Operations department. Del has always served as a mentor to me and continues to be a great source and friend that I can turn to for questions or guidance. I look forward to connecting with other TPGF fellows and guiding them in their search!
"There is no substitute for Excellence – not even success. Success is tricky, perishable and often outside our control; the pursuit of success makes a poor cornerstone, especially for a whole personality. Excellence is dependable, lasting and largely an issue within our own control; pursuit of excellence, in and for itself, is the best of foundations,” The Heart of the Order, by Thomas Boswell (Doubleday, 1989).