Del is a senior executive with experience in marketing, brand building and sales management with both major multinational corporations and smaller entrepreneurial organizations. Most recently, he created Celeritas Management in August 2008 with private equity funding and served as its President as Celeritas acquired the Spanish Beisbol Network and ANC Sports.
Prior to that Del was the President of MVPGROUP, a marketing agency he co-owned with The Martin Agency/Interpublic Group of Companies whose clients included AXA Financial, Olympus, Hanes, Oppenheimer Funds, Pulte Homes, Patron, Wal-Mart, Palm and Vera Bradley.
Before that he owned DelWilber+Associates, an international sports and entertainment business he sold to the Family Channel in 1996. DWA owned Ice Capades , the World Pro Ski Tour, and 5 LPGA golf tournaments in addition to doing senior level consulting for companies including Coors, Frito Lay, Chrysler, Mazda, Audi, Olympus, Molson, Taco Bell, Dr Pepper/7 Up, American Express, Coca Cola and IBM.
The eldest of the Wilber siblings, he is a former Big Ten quarterback and shortstop at Purdue and signed with the Philadelphia Phillies in the very first Major League Baseball free agent draft. Del also worked for Procter & Gamble, Wilson Sporting Goods and Spalding where he served as Vice President Worldwide Tennis.
He is a graduate of the Krannert School of Management at Purdue University and has served on many advisory and corporate boards including the Hilsinger Companies, the Major League Baseball Alumni Association Marketing, the Krannert School of Management, ANC Sports, Spanish Beisbol Network, the President╒s Council at Purdue University, HitViews, GoBabies and the LPGA Tournament Sponsors Association.
Del, his wife, two children, 4 grandchildren and 2 cats live in the Metro DC area.
"There is no substitute for Excellence – not even success. Success is tricky, perishable and often outside our control; the pursuit of success makes a poor cornerstone, especially for a whole personality. Excellence is dependable, lasting and largely an issue within our own control; pursuit of excellence, in and for itself, is the best of foundations,” The Heart of the Order, by Thomas Boswell (Doubleday, 1989).